
Headed South taking in the cute little town of Xàtiva. It's the birth place of Rodrigo Borgia who became Pope Alexander VI, mainly because of his skill in buying votes for the papal election. His birth house is still in the centre of town, although all that remains of the 15th Century one is the stone archway over the door.

The town nestles underneath the magnificent Castle which offers tremendous views over the surrounding countryside. It is a steep climb to the top, but one well worth making. Over the years it held many illustrious prisoners in its dank dungeon.

Stopped for a couple of hours in Elche and wandered through its palm groves. They were first planted by the Romans, so have lasted a while.

Now in Murcia, capital of Murcia region. Took a walk to the square weaved my way through the hundreds of brides on the streets. It was busy in the Cathedral with the confessions boxes full of young boys confessing their sins. Just what a middle aged single male is doing listing to the innermost thoughts of adolescent boys is a matter for debate.

On the way back came across a bizarre parade marching through the narrow streets. A cornucopia of people all carrying tourches, proceeding 20 men all shouldering a gigantic image of the Madonna, covered in candles, wobbling its way down the road followed by a brass band. Not a clue what it was for, but it was quite a sight.
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