
Spent the day in the stunning hill top town of Ronda. Well I say hill top, more like Canyon topped and it is perched on the edge of an enormous cliff overlooking a wide Canyon. The East and West parts of the town are seperated by a tremendous Gorge with quite the ugliest bridge linking the two. It's called the New bridge, which just goes to show modern architecture is to blame, and it opened in 1793. Apparently the architect fell to his death while trying to carve the date on the site of the bridge.

My Hotel is perched on the edge of the Gorge and I mean literally on the edge, If I sit on my balcony I can look through the railings to the river 100 meters below. It looks rather dark down there as it doesn't see much sunlight. I did think of climbing the steps to the bottom, but given I've walked my legs off over the last few days thought better of it.

In the afternoon visited a museum which had some rather appalling instruments of torture and execution, relics of the Inquistion, What was done in the name of God was absolutely horrific and quite turns your stomach.
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