Happy New Year

UntitledWelcomed in the year 2074 with a visit to a couple of Kathmandu landmarks. The monkey temple stands on a steep hill just outside the main city. It's so named for the hordes of Rhesus monkeys which prowl occupy the hill, mugging unsuspecting pilgrims bringing offerings for the various deities. The hill was a mass of humanity all seeking blessings for the new year.

The other icon is the stupor at Boudhanath. It's was quite a tricky journey to get there, the overnight thunderstorms having turned the dusty streets to muddy tracks. It's a vast dome around which pilgrims process in a ritual mark of respect to the Buddha. Fascinating just watching people all processing round the dome, spinning the prayer wheel and giving thanks for their blessings.

Visited the house of the Kumari Devi, Kathmandu's living god. She is a young girl, chosen when she is three, who lives a royal life possessed by a god. When she has her first period the goddess leaves her and a new child is chosen. Lets hope she is enjoying her elevated life while she can.
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