
Headed down the coast into Andalusia and the South Coast port of Almeria. Beautiful sunny day so I climbed up to the Alcazaba fortress with extensive views over the city and the Mediterranean. Many family's out enjoying a Sunday stroll.

Today ventured up into the foothills of the Sierra Nevada and Los Alpujarras. The villages clinging to the sides of the valleys were quite incredible, Bundles of houses, all brilliant while, are hewn into some incredibly steep hillsides. From afar it looks like a splash of while paint dabbed onto the side of the mountain and its only when you get close you can see the tiny lanes and paths through the houses. It was quite a tourist spot so pretty busy.

Now in Granada, home of ITV in the North, so says Wikipedia. It is also a beautiful city in the foothills of the mountains. Wandered up through the town. Hoping to go to the Alhambra tomorrow, but tickets are very scarce, so I might have to make do with wandering around the outside.
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