
Traveled up to Roma on the train on Wednesday, just a couple of hours north of Napoli.

You can't help by gape at the sheer history that is flung in your face as you enter the city. Everywhere you look there are ancient roads, aqueducts and buildings, testament to the time when this was indeed the capital of the World and the most powerful city on earth.

There was history taking place over the bridge at the Vatican, evidenced by the number of TV trucks parked just off St Peter's square.The crowd to get into St Peter's was so long I headed instead to the Vatican Museums where some of the treasures contained within. They certainly have a lot of material goods stuffed away for a rainy day.

The Sistine Chapel was packed as usual. Some very nice paintings, a bit over the top really but when you have it, flaunt it. Give the cardinals something to look at when they are communing with the Holy Ghost next month.
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