Mid Terms

Four days in Washington covering the Mid-Terms for BBC News. I flew out on Sunday, leaving a very wet London and arriving in a gorgeous autumn tinted Washington DC. It really is a beautiful city in the spring and in the fall, with the delicate scent of the cherry trees at one end of the Summer contrasted with the brilliant golden hues of the turning trees decorating the streets at the other. Had a very quick trip through immigration and caught the airport bus into town.

I was working mainly for Newsnight who were based at an OB in the Cannon Building, where many of the Representatives have their offices. We were based on a Balcony outside of the Rotunda, with a stunning view of the US Capital dominating the skyline behind us. It was a fantastic location in a stunning building. Because we were in a secure area we needed to get Capital Passes from the Senate office on the North side of the Capital. As our location was on the South side our guide took us the quickest way to get from one side of the House to the other, down the underground tunnels which lie like a warren beneath the home of the US Government. It was amazing to see how much was down there, even a little electric train which we caught to ride from the Senate Offices to the Capital itself. Halfway along the tunnel in the basement of the capital we passed a window with a stunning view right down the National Mall to the Lincoln Memorial 1.9 miles away. I guess its the kind of view the President gets when he gets sworn in.

The OB's all worked OK although there were some communication issues. All OK on air which was the main thing, and London seemed happy. We finished with Piers Morgan and Simon Schama on our balcony. A popular tweet was that Emily should have given Piers a little push and no one would have protested. Except perhaps for the Capital Police who would have had to clean up the mess. He would probably have just bounced up again anyhow.
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