La Mancha

Drove north towards Madrid stopping at the town of Consuegra famous for its windmills. They stand proud on top of the hills like giants, or at least that's what Don Quixote through when he passed this way, in the novel bearing his name. Did some Tilting at the windmills, which I learned later is not just leaning at an angle towards them.

There is an old Castle on the hill adding drama to the whole aspect.

After a visit to the hill topped town of Tolodo drove into Madrid, just missing the rush hour. Was a real nightmare to find the hotel, because of all the appaling pedestrianization that has taken place frustrating the poor motorist. Thanks goodness for sat nav. Made it eventually and then dropped the car at the station. Walked back to the hotel, a walk made much easier by the delightful pedestrianization that has taken place, greatly enhancing live for the grateful walker.
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