Tiger's Nest

UntitledMoved into the second city Paro where the annual festival is taking place. For a city it is tiny, but easy to walkabout and explore.

The festival was taking place outside one of the main temples high above the Dzong. It certainly was the place to be with people having traveled for miles to attend. The five days consist of Monks acting out events from Bhutanese history and religious texts. The marks and costumes were incredibly colourful and the dances performed with vigour. A fascinating spectacle even if it was a bit cramped sitting on the steps.

The climax of the trip to Bhutan was a climb up to the sensational Tiger's Nest monastery. It's an amazing structure, stuck to the cliffs half way up a mountain. The climb is steep but the tantalising views through the trees spur you on to the top of the trail. There is strictly no photography inside, but the splendour of the building lies in its location. It's an incredible piece of design, and to think the Monastery was built in the 17th century makes it even more impressive. One of the must see sights on the planet.
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