
Stockholm must be one of the most relaxed cities in the world. With its scenic location spread across over 50 islands the whole city has the feeling of living in a theme park.

 One of the islands is taken over with a massive park, bringing the countryside into the heart of the city. As well as walks and lakes and trails the island is full of museums including a full recreation of an ancient Swedish village. It's also the home of the Abba museum where, for a hefty price, you can found all about the famous four and their music.

 The centre island is the location of the royal palace. Not the original, that burnt down in the 1690's, but a newer version, crammed full of relics. The King still uses it today and the crowd jewels occupy the basement.

 The Kings ancestors mostly reside on another small island just of the main centre. It's crammed full of Kings, queens and nobles, one vault is open so you can see all the coffins feasting inside. The guide had some pictures of one of the kings in ten coffin taken when it was opened for restoration work. Let's just say he was past his best.
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  1. aaronnssd Says:

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