
UntitledAfter a quick hop over the mountains time for a few days relaxing in Kathmandu. The flight may be short, but it's pretty spectacular, with stunning views of the mountains which have been tantalising us with views through the clouds, revealed in all their glory. There was also a fabulous view of the biggest mountain of the lot, with Everest towering above the others.

It's 25 years since I have been in Nepal and much has changed. Not least due to the devastating earthquake which hit in 2015 reducing many temples to rubble. The resultant dust still covers the city, which, combined with the exhaust pollution envelopes the city in a muggy smog.

The political situation has changed as well, no more obviously in the opening of the Palace museum. When I was here before Nepal was a kingdom, with the palace occupied by King Behendra. Now the kingdom is no more and tourists wander through the former royal apartments. Fascinating to see the fading 70's chic intermixed with relics from the ancient dynasty.

In the garden is the spot where in 2001 the Crown Prince massacred most of his family before turning the gun on himself. The buildings in which occurred have been torn down but the bullet marks in the wall can still be seen.
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