San Angelo


To the coast and the harbour city of of Corpus Christi. Not the best for visiting the Seaside as the storms seem to be hitting. The local news said we were on Tornado watch. If it hits apparently we need to get in the bath and cover ourselves with a mattress. Luckily I think I escaped this time.

Visited the USS Lexington which now stands in Corpus Christie bay, a grand old aircraft carrier and a veteran of several wars. Very interesting wondering around, although some of my fellow tourists had trouble fitting through the hatches. Amazing seeing the tight areas the planes had to take off and land.

 The rain really set in this morning, so I ventured up towards San Angelo, it's a city full of missions, originally set up to convert the native North Americas by Spanish occupiers. Later converted to forts, there are five in the city, all linked by a cycle way along the river. 

 The most famous stands in the heart of the city. The mission of San Antonio de Valero is better known by its nickname, the Alamo. It was the scene of much bloodshed when events around the independence of Texas centred on this small brick building. All the male defenders defending the new republic lost their lives at The Alamo, including noted politician and storyteller and Davy Crockett. The site is now a memorial full of evocative displays. 
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