
Untitled In Dallas to see what they say is America's most famous crime location. It is said that everyone knows what they were doing when the events of 22 November 1963 unfolded in Dealey plaza.

It's an odd sensation to be standing in a place so familiar, so ingrained in history. You feel sure you've been there before, such is the imprint of the location in our minds. The museum on the sixth floor details the events of that day, from the breakfast in Fort Worth, to the short flight to Dallas, and onto the motorcade through the streets of the city.

What amazes me is how much material there is from that day. The first couple exciting air force one, mingling with the crowd, and waving to their supporters. The actual assassination was captured on one piece of cine film. Just 28 seconds of silent movie pictures, that detailed of the end of a life, and for many the end of a dream.
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