Frontier Land


Took a trip through frontier Texas. It must've been difficult living out here, hundreds of miles from civilisation, with only hostile Indian tribes the company. You wonder why they did it? There is no gold out here, just miles and miles of endless plains. 

 Some were draw by the fertile lands covered in abundant grass. What they didn't realise is the grass took several years to grow and once the cattle had devoured it they were just left with scrub. The plains were filled with Buffalo, at least at the beginning. Within a few short years hurts with decimated killed for their pelts. Humans can be so destructive in pursuit of progress. 

 Indian raids were common and women and children often taken into captivity. Some were eventually rescued after years of living with the tribes, but rescued too late. By that time they were more Indian than Western, with families and children, and many died of a broken heart. 

 The area still has that frontier feeling, of living on the edge, miles from the city. The difference is now good motorway will get you to the city in a couple of hours rather than a 15 day horse ride.
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