
Now down on the coast following a frantic drive down in the express bus. Express was the word. This driver wasn't stopping for anything, traffic jams, red lights, old woman in road, whatever it was we weaved around it and ended up at the Skocho bus terminal in record time. Red lights do seem to be optional to drivers here. A contract to pedestrians who treat red pelican crossings as sacred law. Probably because if they tried crossing they would be mown down by one of the mad drivers.

The ticket I brought proved OK. Well almost, it dropped me at the wrong bus station, but at least I didn't have to hop on and off the bus. It did mean a long walk to the hotel, round a rather large harbour. Not helped by the driving rain coming in off the sea. All part of the experience I guess.

The rain is a bit of a pain. I was hoping to go up to the national park tomorrow, but if the weather stays like this I might as well stay in the city. Forecast is reasonable though so here is hoping.

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