
Started my visit proper with a trip to two of the palaces that sit in the north of the city. They are tranquil places, or at least were at 9am, before the school parties arrived.  Much of the structure has been restored after being demolished by the invading Japanese. Let's just say they weren't the most unassuming of visitors.  

The compound is like a mini fobbiden City, with each member of the family having their own area.  The king and queen were only allowed to sleep together when the astrologers deemed it right in order to get the best prince. I believe the practise still endures with Wills and Kate having Mystic Meg on a retainer. 

The secret garden stands behind the palace. Not so secret now judging by the interest in the tours. It is full of little temples and ponds, where the king would read and meditate. 

Today took a trip out to another grand structure, a rather more modern one though as it was the site of the 1988 Summer Olympics. The park is lovely, with the autumn tints brought to life in the afternoon sunshine.  There was some rock concert tuning up in the stadium itself. Defining from outside, must be torture in.
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