

Now in Gyeonju in the south of the country and once the capital of the great Shilla Empire. Around the time the Romans were invading Britain there were a million people living in this city. Ll that remains from that time now are the impressive tombs of the kings of Shilla, which are dotted about the city. They give The landscape a surreal look, with grassy mounds splashed all over the landscape. Some amazing golden relics have been excavated from them and are displayed at the city museum.

The weather was beautiful today so spent time wandering through the city taking in the views. Plent of families out enjoying the weekend sun. Hotel is right in the centre next to one of the tombs. 

Today got the bus out to a temple in the mountains. Beautiful spot slightly impaired by the thousands of tourists all milling around. Walked back to the city so my legs are falling off now.

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