
Left Bergarma and drove down to the coast. Visited the lovely little town of Foca. It`s right on the Aegeon with a long waterfront split in two by a promontory. A bit like Scarborough with sun. It was a gorgeous day and spent ages just strolling around looking at the fishing boats chugging about in the water. Very relaxing. All that good work undone when I drove into Izmir city centre later in the day. Makes going round Hyde Park Corner look like a trip round a village green. Still I made it and am in a really nice hotel in the City Centre. Izmir is right on the bay. There is something magical about a city on the Ocean and it was great strolling along the Promenade, or Kordon, as the shadows grew impossibly long and the sun slid below the water. The city surrounds the bay and as darkness came the hills came to life with thousands of twinkling lights.
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