
Yesterday explored the Cesme Peninsular, which juts out into the Aegean from Izmir bay. Very picturesque harbour and still plenty of holiday makers around. Goodness knows what it must be like in the heat of summer. Very near Greece, in fact my phone keeps welcoming me to Greece and then back to Turkey. It’s getting very confused. Drove down the coast to Selcuk. Spent today exploring the ancient site of Ephesus just outside the city, well it’s two days since I had a proper ruin so I was feeling a bit in need of one. Not that Ephesus is just any ruin. There are some amazing buildings, including a magnificent Theatre set into the hills. I took a seat in the Grand Circle waiting for the play to start but I had missed curtain up by two thousand years. The place was full of Tourists, mostly Japanese, but I did manage to find some quiet spots. Very quaint little town with an old Roman Aqueduct running though the centre.
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