National Parks

Took in a couple of national parks for some breathtaking scenery and amazing animals.

First up was Camdeboo National Park, home to the impressive Valley of Desolation. A long drive to the top on the hills gives up an amazing vistas over the plains below, interspersed with giant columns of stone. Truly stunning to stand on the edge of the cliff and see the immense space below. Gives you a real understanding of your own insignificance.

There is an fantastic ariel view of the town of Graaff-Reinrt nestled into a crook in the river, from the top. It was the fourth oldest European settlement in South Africa and an important stop on the trek north. It used to be a bit more wild. The vicar once had to shoot a Rhinosasaurus in his garden. No Rhinos here now but plenty of smaller animals in the park.

Heading south stopped off at Addo Elephant Park. It's the third largest national park in the country, and certainly lives up to its name. Chick full of elephants of all sizes as well as zebra, antelope, warthog and even a few lions. Went on a jeep trip and saw a couple flaked out under a tree. Not surprising, it was very hot.
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