
Reached the city of Bloemfontein, one of the three capitals of the country. This one is the headquarters of the judiciary. It's a very laid back kind of place, a far remove from the hectic pace of Johannesburg, a couple of hundred miles north.

There are a few museums to take in, including one on the Boer War, not something I knew much about, but as you can guess, it ranked highly on history curriculums here. The is a lot on the brand new British invention which the war brought, Concentration camps. Not the best legacy for the world, but one introduced to keep control of the defeated farmers following the destruction of their farms.

Drove to the top of Naval hill for a wonderful panorama of the city. Not sure why it's called naval hill, as we are about as far from the ocean as it's possible to be in the country. It has a small game reserve so had to avoid the giraffe while driving up.

Finished at a strange art gallery. I thought they were having trouble with the cleaners as the floor was a right state, covered in sand. Apparently it was a work of art. I stepped over it and went out to enjoy the gardens.
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