
Took the train up into the hills and the old city of Kandy. Station a bit chaotic and I managed to get on e wrong train, but it went to almost the right place so that's a relief.

Visited the shrine of the Buddha's tooth, which is good news as it means I've jumped a few stages on the path to Nivana. You don't get to see the actual left canine tooth as it is encased in a series of containers, each slightly smaller than the last. So no chance to see if he flossed. It was snatched from the Buddha's funeral pyre some 2500 years ago and kingdoms have been won and lost in fighting for its possession.

Took a walk up into the hills to visit an old tea Plantation now a fact filled museum packed with various ancient paraphernalia, all important links in the chain to produce a decent cup of tea. I needed a cup after he long all up. 6km is not far, but when it's all uphill, in this heat, it gets a bit wearing.

Back in Kandy saw the old British Garrison Cemetery. Life expectancy here seemed very short, you were lucky to get to 30.
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