
Traveling back up the coast. Train travel is incredibly cheap here. To get to Bentota is costing me 100 rupees, about 50p, bargain even if it was another footplate journey.

Some lovely places up here. Did a boat tour of the lagoon yesterday and ended up with a crocodile on my head. The crocodiles in this country are of a a much friendlier size than some others I could name, take note Australia. Not sure about their use as a sun hat though.

Walked out to the Brief Garden today. It's a luscious place surrounded rubber plantations. The house is pretty impressive as well. It was the former home of Bevis Bawa, a famous Sri Lankan artist. The house lies five miles inland, but the walk was worth it, and it gave the locals something to talk about. Some very bizarre statues in the garden.

My hotel is right by the beach. Well almost. You have cross the railway tracks first, always an adventure. The beach is lovely though even if the sea is a bit rough at present. Beautiful sunset tonight.
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