
Arrived yesterday in the city of Brotherly love, Philadelphia. A bit chilly up here especially wandering around the various sites at Independence Park. Full of history though. Once the second-largest city in the British Empire it was the site of the Declaration of Independence and the Drafting and Signing of the US Constitutional both of which took place in Independence Hall, still standing and the centre of the National Park. It must have been a bold step, as the signers were effectively committing treason against the British Crown. It worked though probably better than they ever dreamed off. It always seems amazing to outsiders that a whole Country's laws are based on a few paragraphs, scratched out on a scrap of parchment in an old town house.

Took a look at the Liberty Bell, rehoused since I was here in 1995 and visited the Constitution Center where the document is explained in great detail. Also visited Benjamin Franklin's old House, or at least the remains of it.
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