New York

Spent a couple of days in New York. It's my fifth visit but still feel the thrill on arriving. It certainly had a feel all of its own, the energy is almost visible while standing in Times Square watching the world race by. It was the Marathon on Sunday so saw all the poor entrants plodding towards the finish line. A very picturesque end to the long trek around the island. At least the runners had sun unlike today when we had wind rain and sleet. Took a walk down to the financial district and visited the Ground Zero museum. It always is sobering seeing the pictures of the missing and dead lining the room. One woman started giving a talk about some of the victims, including a young firefighter who was killed while trying to rescue people from the towers. She filled in all the details of his life and how they found his money which was linked to him via the DNA on the dollar bills. it was all very emotional, especially at the end when she said "and that was my son."
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