Jebel Adrar n'Dern

Today was one of the toughest days I've ever had. We woke at 5am and got up to a wonderful vista of stars twinkling over the whole valley. You forget how wonderful the night sky can be when you live in Europe, but out in the wilds, miles from civilisation it is a magnificent site. With the sun coming up we set of up the valley towards mount Jebel Adrar n'Dern, 1400 meters above us at a height of 4001m. It was a long trek up a very steep mountainside and at times I thought I wouldn't make it. But slowly and surely we all made the summit in 5 hours. It was a tremendous view from the top and we had our picnic lunch surveying the Atlas Mountains laid out before us. After lunch it was a slow trek down into the next camp where I have never been so glad to see a purple tent before.
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