Goat for tea

What they describe as an easy day today, just a half day walk although it did involve a climb of 750m. It was a hard slog out of the valley but some wonderful views from the top. A few more valleys to cross and we were in camp by 1230 for a lunch of salad and lentils. Very good. After lunch the peace was disturbed by the bleating of a goat outside. It had been purchased from one of the villagers for our dinner. I declined the invitation to see it killed but according to one of the group who went to watch it was all very quick. The villages out here are amazing. So basic, clinging to cliffs and sounded by irrigation channels. With no electricity. They have been like this for thousands of years. There are people everywhere, mostly children tending goats or sheep or carting great wads of produce around preparing for the winter ahead. And boy the winters must be tough out here. Sat and watched the sun set over the mountains and contemplated my aching muscles.
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