To Mysore

Sunny and hot. Worked up quite a sweat walking to the railway station. Got lost again. Why does it always look so simple on the map. Just a two hour train journey down to Mysore. It`s amazing I booked and printed the ticket before leaving London. So much simpler than when I was here ten years ago when it was an hour long queue to purchase tickets. The train was a bit worse for wear, but the service was fabulous. My next door neighbour`s tray collapsed, and within two minutes a man with a screwdriver had appeared. Now in Mysore. The cows are all painted yellow for some reason. Probably a festival for one of the many gods. Either that or a breakout of bovine jaundice in the area. A cow helped me cross the road this evening. I was just wondering how I was going to tackle the onslaught of auto rickshaws hurtling down the carriageway when a cow ambled out into the road. Given that hitting a cow is unthinkable, all the traffic stopped enabling us both to amble across.
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