Palace and Sacred Hill

Spent the morning looking around the Maharajah`s palace. An amazing place with some wonderful architecture as well as a magnificent parade ground where elephants used to perform. There was still a moth eaten one around giving rides to children along with a few bedraggled camels. In the afternoon got the bus up to the top of Chamundi Hill. It’s one of the seven most sacred sites in India, so much so that plastic is banned from the entire hillside. It’s better Karma if you walk up, but my blisters preferred that I got the bus. There is an ancient temple on the top full of devotees offering all kinds of things to the various gods. Coconuts seemed to be the choice of the day. The spot has great views over the whole of the city along with some mischievous monkeys. I did walk down and as usual got hopelessly lost. Eventually found my way back to the hotel, which has a very refreshing swimming pool.
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