King Penguins

A fantastic day spent literally knee deep in King Penguins. This morning we visited Saint Andrews Bay, home of a massive King Penguin colony. A staggering sight. Everywhere you looked nothing but Penguins. Thousands of chicks, big brown bundles of feathers flapping around. Some walking, some squarking and some running around in blind panic. And then the older birds, strolling about the beach wondering what on earth were all these red jackeded invaders doing. It wasn’t just Penguins. There were the Elephant Seals as well. Massive things grunting and belching and generally defending their neighbourhood.. The Beachmaster with his great hocked nose, covered in scars and wounds gained while protecting his territory, warning all pretenders to keep clear and keep their slimy paws off of his women. And the Fur Seals, snarling and baring their teeth and they tried to prove how strong they were. In the afternoon we moved to Gold Bay, which more than lived up to its name. As we entered the bay a Southern Right Whale left with a flash of its fluke. Not only did the bay have another enormous Penguin Colony, but the whole setting was dominated by a massive glacier on top of a mountain overlooking the bay. As we landed an avalanche sent tons of snow cascading down the cliff. It is a truly beautiful and serene place. After the sun set the whole thing was lit up by the full moon, and from the boat all you could hear was the cornucopia of grunts and squarks from the beach.
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