Cape Horn - South America

Had a rather bumpy ride over the Drake Passage, one of the most dangerous stretches of water in the world. With plates sliding across dinner tables and chairs playing dodgem around the observation deck. Still all in all we didn’t have it to bad. It’s a long journey, taking two and a half days to cover the 10 degrees of latitude, from our last position off the coast of the Antarctic Peninsular to the relative safety of the Beagle Channel. Previsions are beginning to run out, the fresh fruit ended a few days ago and, disaster, there is no more Hot Chocolate. As we neared Cape Horn the wind eased and we had a fantastic last few hours on the ship with a glorious sunset illuminating the small island on which Cape Horn is situated. As we sailed about 20 Albatross’s were following the ship including four wandering ones, the masters of the skys.
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