
Back in Athens, the cradle of democracy. Maybe some of our current world leaders should take a visit. 

The train ride here was interesting. I had no idea Greece was so mountainous. The reason it took four hours to travel from, Larissa was that there was a great bank of rock in the way, nesesetating  a long twisting trail up the side of the mountain, followed by a long glide back down. 

First stop was to the Parthenon the magnificent temple dedicated to the goddess Athena that stands on the top of the Acropolis. A beautiful building even if the freeze was removed in 1801 by Lord Elgin and now resides largely in Bloomsbury in West London.

Since it was built around 438 BC the building has been through many changes including fires, wars and at one point being blown up by the Ottoman empire. Today it stands sentinel over the modern city of Athens linking this modern democracy to it’s ancient roots.

Athens is it in the city which means there are many many viewpoints around the city from which to wonder at this ancient masterpiece.

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