
UntitledHeading back towards Tokyo now and taking in a few castles as I go.

 The first was in Himeji, where the castle towers over the city below. It is the original, having survived the ravages of World War II and very popular as the queues into the main keep testified. The staircases are almost vertical, like the typ you find in ships, but that didn't seem to stop half the OAP's in the province racing for the top.

 The view was worth it, as was the view from the garden next door. The Japanese certainly have a way with gardens and the juxtaposition of tree and water, grass and gravel is staggering in its simplicity and beauty.

 Nagoya also boasts a castle, although this one is a replica as the original was fire bombed and destroyed. Good news is they put a lift in which eased the way to the eight floor.

 Nagoya also boast the JR museum fill of all types of train you could imagine. It's pride and joy is the bullet train and the interactive displayed give you an insight into just Ho it all works so slickly.
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