Bullet Train

UntitledAmbled along to the station to catch the Shinkansen, better known as the Bullet train.

The train propels you rapidly between cities and is certainly impressive. Watching the train arrive was like watching a precision drill, so organised was the reception and so quick the turnaround. As it arrived it was greated by a team of bright blue engineers and bright pink cleaners. Within 15 minutes the train had disgorged its passengers and been occupied by the cleaning team. Each carriage had been totally cleaned. the seats all reversed and all set fair for the new trip ahead.

The route takes you across the plains with the magnificent Mount Fuji towering above, down towards the old city of Kyoto. Last time I came here was for the World Earth summit in 1997, and to be honest I can't remember much. I think most of that trip was spent in a press room at the convention centre.

This time I had time to wander the streets, exploring temples and taking in the glorious autumn colours. Several people had the same plan and the path of reflection was very crowded. Not much time for reflecting if you didn't want to bump into somebody.
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