
Who in their right mind would build a city in the ocean? Well the answer is the people of Venice who, over the past 1500 yeas have conquered the elements to construct a city that not only literally stands on the water, but is one of the most scenic on earth.

Nothing quite prepares you for the isolation of the city, now joined to land via a long railway bridge. It's not just off the shore, it's plumb in the middle of the bay, surrounded everywhere by bright blue water, teaming with boats of all sizes and shapes.

The city is bisected by the S bend of the Grand Canal with each half split into several sections by hundreds of small canals. Everywhere you go is water the only way to cross is by the small bridges. It is very up and down walking in Venice.

Part of the joy is the total lack of traffic, especially after the chaos of Naples and Rome. You can walk for miles and around every corner is another Plaza or Church.

Not sure what they are going to do about Global Warming though.
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