Hearst Castle

Took a side trip up to Hearst Castle which has a stunning view perched on the peak of a mountain overlooking the Pacific Oceon.

It is the former home of William Randolph Hearst, who spend the thirties entertaining the likes of Clark Gable, Charlie Chaplin and Winston Churchill in his fortress on the hill.

It must be one of the most picturesque places in the world in which to live, such a pity they build a monstrosity to live in.

Don't get me wrong, the little spanish villas are chaming, and I'm sure the origional plan for a bungalow was delightful. But the dark gothic mock cathedral they came up with as the centerpiece is pretty hideous. It's crammed full of furniture and treasures ripped out of churches across Italy and Spain, which I'm sure looked lovely in a little Spanish church, but looks a bit incongruous in a mansion. Still the view outwards are stunning.
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