North to Byron Bay

Headed north again this time towards the beautiful Port Macquarie nestled between the Pacific Ocean and the Hastings River. Another beautiful stretch of coastline in the way up. Went for a walk along the cliffs and met a rather large Lace Monitor coming in the other direction. Now Lace Monitors are not poisonous, but have rather unhygienic eating habits due to the way they feed, which is usually by sticking their head up a dead Kangaroo's bottom and eating the insides, so a bite gets very infected. Needless to say I gave it a wide berth. Today ventured even further north taking in the Waterfall Way. I saw one, which is hardly a "Way", but it was a nice one. Also passed through the town of MaClean, which thinks it is in Scotland. It has an annual highland games and pictures of Nessie in all the shop windows. The image is slightly spoiled by the 35 degree heat. If they wanted reality they could at least have simulated driving rain and a howling gale. Arrived in Byron Bay this evening and climbed up to the lighthouse just in time for a fantastic sunset. Was a bit freaky coming down the the dark.
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