
Onto the port of Hamburg on what is an incredibly hot day. Took a tour on the water, which helped cool things down a bit, but it was still scorching in the sun. It was down by the docks, in the red light district that the Beatles cut their teeth and there is a wonderful little museum full of mementoes from the time the five of them played in the city. There are some bizarre statues of them in Beatles Plaza which more like a pastry cut out than a human form. Had a burger in the evening. Well you have to have a Hamburger in Hamburg. For my shame I didn't know the name came from the town, I always assumed they were originality made with ham. But not so. The name derives from the habit the citizens of the town had for wedging steaks between the layers of their saddles, so that after a decent ride the meat was nicely tenderised if a little flat. I don't know if McDonald's still use the same method?
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