Island Tour

Spent yesterday travelling around the Island and seeing the sights. Saw the Mummified Monk who died in 1973 bu5t his body didn’t decay so they put a pair of sunglasses on him and propped him up in a glass case. I must say he is a bit past his prime but not to bad for being dead thirty years. Got a trip up top the top of the mountain and had a tremendous view out over the coast of Koh Samui, or rather would have done had the weather not closes in a bit obscuring the view somewhat. Met some very friendly Gibbons. How anyone can deny that man had a comment ancestor with Monkeys when they meet Gibbons is unbelievable. They are so human it could almost be a man in a furry suit. There are a few wild ones left on the island but not many. Finished the day with a climb up to the Big Buddha who presides over the bay. Wonderful views from the top. Flying back to Bangkok this morning and it is very wet with the roads flooded. The airport is amazing. It’s all outdoors with just some shelters. Quite bizarre waiting for your plane and seeing aircraft thundering along the tarmac just a few hundred meters from where you are sitting.
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