Mountain Views

Got out into the hills surrounding Chiang Mai today, first stop was the temple of Wat Phra That Don Suthep which sits on the mountain towering over the city. It would have been a beautiful view but the air quality was so poor you could hardly make out the city through the haze. It's up a mountain because when an elephant was sent out into the jungle, with a relic tied to its back it reached the spot of the temple and dropped down dead. So they built a temple here. As good a reason as any. The temple was heaving with hundreds of Thai pilgrims coming to offer their prayers and give thanks to various gods. Lots of street theatre as well, mostly children performing dancing and singing plus a rather energetic pantomime cow. Later went to the Queen Sirikik Botanic Garden which was well worth a visit if you are into things horticultural, even if you are not it had some lovely displays. Hand back my car tomorrow. Thai's win the award for the slowest get away from traffic lights in history.
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