Hanoi Hilton

Spent the day wandering around some museums and sitting by the lake. Visited the Hoa Lo prison which was know to the Americans as the Hanoi Hilton as it was where all the shot down pilots ended up. Before that is was used by the French to keep political prisoners is some pretty deplorable conditions. There is also another old Guillotine, captioned as a cutting machine and some gory pictures of the heads of some of the Viet Minh in baskets.

Staying right in the heart of the old quarter. It`s madness outside the door with motorbikes flying around the packed streets and shops of all description. I even passed a whole line of of workers sitting on the pavement making tombstones. Now there`s an idea for a holiday present.

Weather much brighter today after the overcast spell of the last couple of days. Off to Ha long tomorrow so hope it is bright for the kayaking.
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