Ayres Rock

Just got back from seeing the marvellous spectacle of the sunset on Ayres rock. A wonderful sight with the edge just taken off by the hundreds of flies swarming around. Earlier I walked round the rock, all 10 kilometres round. I decided against climbing it for two reasons. First the local Aborigines don't want you to, and second because it was closed due to high temperatures. 39 Centigrade today.

Off to the Olgars tomorrow for sunrise and then back the 450Km to Alice Springs. May detour to kings Canyon if I have time but it is a 183Km detour. Alice springs still feels like a frontier town, and you can easily imaging the pioneers working here. The drive is very long as the roads are almost all straight. There are a lot of Kangaroos hit and so you have to be a bit careful. The Kangaroo is the equivalent of the hedgehog here.
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