Hong Kong

Finally arrived in Hong Kong after my mega trip across China. There were times I though I would never make it and be stuck trying to get a ticket out of some remote region forever but here I am. And it's like entering another world. Different language, different people. Even a different menu in McDonald's.

Last week I left Wuhan and travelled down to Guilin on the overnight train. It is a beautiful place with fantastic limescale rock formations. Wandering the streets of the city was interesting. The restaurants all look like pet shops, with every kind of animal from fish to ducks and from dogs to rabbits all lined up in cages outside the main door. All you have to do is select the one you want and hey presto, 20 Min's later it's delivered fresh to your table. You can even pick you own snake.

Stayed there a couple of nights before travelling onto Guangzhou.

Guangzhou, of course,used to be know as Canton, so they all talk Cantonese. So the couple of worlds I can actually pronounce on Mandarin have become completely useless. At least the written language is the same. I can recognise at least 30 Chinese characters now. Unfortunately most Chinese can read about 6000, so I have a bit of a way to go. Still just show me your train ticket and I can tell you exactly if your berth is Up, Down or middle.

From Guangzhou got the bus down to Zauhai and walked over the border to Macau. Despite the fact Macau was returned from the Portuguese, to the Peoples Republic in 1999, two years after Hong Kong, it is still like entering a new country. It even has it's own money. They area is tiny and very laid back. I was a bit afraid the drivers may be worse than the Chinese when I arrived. I got a taxi from the border point to the hotel and noticed all the roads were boarded up like a race track. What kind of drivers can they be if they have to board up the roads like it was a Grand Pr ix? I thought. It was only later I discovered it actually was a Grand Prix. The 50th Macau Formula 3 race. The drivers are actually quite polite. They actually stop at crossings.

I arrived in Hong Kong by ferry, this morning. Just a 55 minute trip across the mouth of the pearl river. I'm sitting in a cafe on top of Victoria Peak as I write this, with Hong Kong Harbour lit up below me. It's a fantastic sight.

I'm missing several things about China already. The crowds of people, the noise and the spitting. Especially the spitting. I've never know a people who spit so much. And not just the spitting it's the build up to it. The clearing of the throat, the gargling and the wrenching all a long prelude to a mighty wad of Flem flying into the nearest gutter.

My cult of celebrity has gone as well. I was getting used to being asked if someone could take their picture with me, every time I stopped to draw breth. I think they must collect pictures of foreigners for their dart board.
They climax was when I had do do a whole school party, one by one, on top of a cliff in Guilin. They all wanted to practise their English as well. An awful lot listen to the BBC and VOA on short wave. All except one young lawyer who told me he would listen but it was forbidden by the government. He will go far.
So just a few days sight seeing and shopping in Hong Kong and then it's the joys of Areoflot back home. Maybe they will be a day late on the return journey as well.
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