
Had an eventful week. Beijing was a great city with lots of atmosphere. It was fantastic standing in Tienanmen Square, watching the kids fly their kites with Chairman Mou looking down on it all like some big Father Christmas. The place is lit up like a Film Set it's quite amazing.

Got the bus out to the Great Wall. Fantastic sight even though it's been restored like some Disney world attraction. The trick was to climb over the barbed wire at the end of the tourist bit to sample the authentic thing. I wasn't sure but as a tour group from the Peoples Liberation was joining it it seamed a pity to resist. The wall is very steep as well. Made the American tour groups puff a bit Not sure about the piped music either.

Got the train down to Jinan from Beijing. Six hours in hard seating. A bit cramped but there was no spitting allowed as it was an express train. In fact the sign said "To Keep Fit, Do not spit" Maybe it was some kind of threat.

While in Jinan visited TaiShan, one of the Chinese holy mountains. Climbed from the halfway point to the top and it was a real killer. Views fantastic at the top though. Stayed the night and got up to see the sunrise. However a force 10 gale had blow up in the night, and it was near freezing point so it was a very exhilarating experience. View was fantastic, but was shivering in my very cold hotel room for aged afterwards. Place was packed despite the weather, although I was the only non Chinese up there. Things got very excitable when the sun finally made it's appearance and it got a big cheer.

Had to climb down after that which has really done my knees in. Been hobbling around Nanjing today and I just can't face any stairs.

Got the overnight train down last night. Hard sleeper, which was very efficient. Reasonably comfotable and I got quite a lot of sleep in. Was very exhausted though after the mountain. Don't think I'll be doing any more mountains on this trip.

Resting here tomorrow then off to Shanghai for the weekend.
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